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December 21, 2021
Blessed Winter Solstice and Yule!
This holiday marks the beginning of winter, as well as the shortest day and longest night of the year. After this the days will begin to grow longer and the night hours shorter. Because of this, there's a focus on the theme of the rebirth/return of the sun. Celebrations include feasting, drinking, gift exchanging, and group gatherings.
Green, gold, red, white
Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, rosemary, mistletoe, ivy, poinsettia frankincense, myrrh, evergreen
Cedar, pine, fir, evergreens, holly
Holiday Workings
Energy & Space Clearing:
Whenever the seasons change, it’s a good idea to do some energetic and space clearing in order to receive the blessings that these seasonal shifts bring. This is especially the case for this season, as it provides us the opportunity to think back over the past year and focus on the energies that need to be released as you move forward. It also gives us a chance to change the vibration in your house, especially if you have yet to get into the holiday spirit. Play your favorite holiday music while you do your physical AND energetic cleaning, light your favorite candles for cleansing purposes as well as your incense.
When it’s time to bring in blessings and positive vibrations into your space, you can also bless any holiday decorations you have to add to the magickal atmosphere. Wreaths and other decorations that have greenery in them can be blessed for protection as well as for bringing in good fortune, even if they’re not made of real greenery. If you have a tree, you can also bless it and the ornaments.
Yule Log:
The Yule log is burned during this time to bring protection, prosperity, and is a good way to say farewell to the year and set intentions for the new one. Some people will drill holes in the log and place their petitions in the log, including what they want to release from the past year and what their wishes are for the new one. Other people simply say their intentions aloud or meditate in silence before lighting the log. There is really no wrong way to go about it, but remember to practice fire safety.
If you are unable to burn a Yule log, you can also light candles to represent the log and burn your intentions in a cauldron next to them, or carve or write them on the candles. Be as creative as you want!
Witch’s Balls:
If you have a tree, this activity is a fun way to add some magick. These ornaments can be made of glass or plastic and can be found at local craft stores. This is also a fun way to do a group activity. Set out your herbs and crystals (if you have small ones, crystal quartz points work well), and have fun! Once the ornaments are created, you can bless them and hang them up on your tree. If you don’t have one, they can be hung around the house or placed on an altar.
Singing is a good way to raise energy especially during a festive gathering. You can do this during any spellwork or ritual work, or simply as a way to honor and celebrate the arrival of winter. Traditional holiday songs (such as Deck the Halls) can be sung, but anything that you feel that fits the theme of winter holidays can work.
We hope that whenever you celebrate, that you have a wonderful holiday season!
Oh, absent sun,
The earth grows cold as we wait.
Our vigil fire is but a small spark
Compared to your brilliance.
Our bones grow cold
Awaiting your warmth.
Patiently we await your return
In the eastern sky.
Impatiently we await the first shard of light
Piercing the eastern dawn–
The first sign of life’s renewal.
Come to us, oh sun!
For now, we wait.
—from Yule: Rituals, Recipes, & Lore for the Winter Solstice