Manifesting Abundance Meditation
December 31, 2018
This meditation is simple yet very effective. This golden energy is powerful at clearing your aura and will help you manifest abundance in the forms of money, luck, love, happiness, etc. Golden Light Visualization Find a comfortable space to sit. Light candles and incense, anything that helps you relax. Close your eyes and start focusing on your breathing and envision a protective circle of white and golden light around you. Let each though in your mind drift away and let your body relax. Imagine roots coming out from the bottom of your feet and from the base of your spine connecting you to earth energy. Keep focusing on your breathing letting yourself go deeper and deeper into relaxation and meditation. Start to envision a beautiful golden yellow light flowing from the heavens through the top of your crown chakra. Let this light fill your body as well as the space inside the protection circle. Let it push out all the worries and fears, anything that you are holding onto that is blocking your flow of abundance. Keep receiving this golden yellow light. Once it is flowing completely within you, push it outward into the room you are seated in, into each room of your home filling every bit of yourself and home with abundant energy. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes.