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I AM WEALTH 6-Week Program


I haven't taught this program since January 2022.

It is back and even better!

 I proudly present:


You ARE Wealth.  You will learn to embody and become wealth and experience wealth in all areas.  Take control of your life and start to manifest the life that you want to live.  This course is for those ready to step into wealth frequency and also for those ready to uplevel, ready to go deeper, make more money, ready to obtain financial independence, strengthen manifestation ability, etc.

There is BIG energy coming through.  Let's manifest BIG things in this program.  Let us stack those manifestations and be open to BIG changes and BIG blessings!


What is wealth?

By definition it is an abundance of valuable possessions and money.

Living a life of wealth and embodying true wealth is so much more than just money.  It is wealth in all areas; wealth in prosperity, wealth in happiness, wealth in love, wealth in friendship, wealth in health, and more.

To live a life where you are in wealth, mind, body, and spirit is the dream.  But let's be real.  Wealth in finances, financial freedom is something many desire and many struggle to achieve: To be able to life the life of your dreams, to be happy in all areas of life AND have money.  That is what Quantum Wealth is all about.

It grows and expands.

This course is ideal for:

-those who want to start manifesting their dream life and quantum leap into their dream reality.

-those who want to heal their mindset with money

-those ready to step into wealth frequency

-those who want to heal their mindset with money and release fear, guilt, doubts, limiting beliefs, etc.

-those want to make more and attract more money and live a life of abundance


 In this 6-week journey, you will be guided and supported in every step of the process, from the jump, the rituals needed to support you, powerful discussions, energy upgrades, healing, release work, and more.


I haven't taught this program since January 2022.

A LOT has happened since then.

My energy has upgraded.

My mindset has upgraded.

I have manifested and also learned so much since the last round.

I am ready to lead this powerful container once again.


I welcome you to I AM WEALTH.

 What you will see after taking this course...

-a more healed mindset with money

increase in income and opportunity

-wealth downloads and money making ideas

-opening of doors

-releasing of layers of lack mentality that heps in all areas of your life, not just finances

-stronger manifestations, deeper connection with self and magick

-more confident

-clarity of direction

-epiphanies that lead to change



I make sure that every single part of my programs will uplevel you.

The teachings

The energy work

The magick

The rituals

The community

Why do my programs work?

I am always open and transparent about my journey, where I am at, what I have done, what I have helped clients with, and I hold nothing back.

I have seen my processes, my magick work over and over again applied to many different scenerios.

I channel these programs from my priestess self, higher self, my guides.

Why am I so passionate about teaching...

I reincarnated for this, to lead, to guide, to empower, to make BIG changes, BIG impact, and help others do the same.

I have dedicated my life for the past 12 years diving deep into my studies of magick, the occult, energy, healing, divination, human psyche and behavior, and more.

I love to teach what I have learned.

If you attend the classes and apply the teachings, I guarantee you will see results.

Program Begins: Tuesday, August 15th, 2023

Program Ends: Tuesday, September 19th, 2023

*Bonus call for PIF (1-Payment): Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

We will meet every Tuesday evening from 6-8 pm PST

*If you miss a week, there will be replays sent via email.  They are just as powerful as watching live. 

You will have lifetime access to the recordings.  You can watch them any time you are guided to do so.  They will be a part of your Lunam Love library.

After signup, you will be granted access to a private FB group where we can all connect between calls.

6-Week Program

All classes are a mix of discussion, energy sessions, rituals, candle work, and tarot when divinely guided.

Candles will be lit for you weekly.

Homework will be given prior to Week 1. 

The journey begins.  I welcome everyone into this sacred container.  We introduce ourselves, share our goals, connect.

Wealth discussion.  Who are you in a life of wealth?  Let's start to dream BIG!`

Energy Session: We will break through vows of poverty, healing and recoding timeline to be receptive to wealth frequency.

Healing money mindset, releasing fear, guilt, healing self-worth, healing competitiveness.

Energy Session: To heal money mindset, releasing guilt around making money, healing self-worth, healing influence of others that negatively impacted your ability to step into abundance, root, sacral, and solar plexus healin.

Abundant mind, subconscious reprogramming, strengthen the mind, connect to wealth guides and magick.

Energy Session:Expand consciousness to tap into what's possible downloads to grow your wealth, connect to guides.

Manifestation and quantum leaping class.  Learn how to manifest, how to strengthen manifestatiolns with magick, and how to step into another timeline.

Group manifestation ritual and energy session to quantum leap.


Wealth Codes

Wealth activation and recoding, anchoring wealth into this realm of existence.  Recoding will focus on wealth, healing wealth blocks, and coding the aura with abundance, luck, and wealth.

 Wealth Spell

We will share our vision board, and we will be casting a group wealth spell.  Spell kit is included in the product bundle.

No spell experience needed.

(Shipping Included $200 Value)

Wealth Candle

Money Drawing Candle

Luxurious Life Candle

Road Opening Candle

Wealth Body Oil

Celestial Wealth Body Oil

Spell Kit





This course is included in our VIP Year program. 

Now that the payment is directly through our website, everyone gets the bonus call!

There will be an extra 1-hour call!  It will be intuitively channeled for all of you who  are a part of it.  It will be held on Wednesday, August 16th at 6 pm PST.

Everyone's results will be different, and I will guide you and assist you through your journey.  If you have any questions, please email me at kelly@lunamlove.com


Reviews from my prior programs!

Before meeting Kelly, I had been in the healing industry for over 10+ years.  During that time though, I was rarely encouraged to step into my personal power and sovereignty as ME and honestly previous to meeting Kelly, I don't really think I knew HOW to do that, or how embody it in an authentic way that resonated with me. 
In retrospect, Kelly's program  supported me during a very spiritually vulnerable time of my life and Kelly's programs and products at a pivotal point in my spiritual journey, not by chance, but by Fate. 
Point blank: Kelly's programs and classes have been life-changing for me in really magical and positive ways!
Benefits I've noticed in working with Kelly and her programs (VIP Gateways, BWAs, Winner's Circle, and beyond!) 
 Kelly's programs keep my energetic coding consistently upgraded, so I don't slide back into that stagnant thinking or patterns, and keep my soul purpose at the forefront.  IMO, as a healer and business owner this is incredibly important as we continuously shift into the New Paradigm and Age of Aquarius as a collective. One of the many benefits of Kelly's programs is that the energetic upgrades she does in class are consistent and "ahead of schedule", so the upgrades and new coding one receives is aligned with what new energy is Incoming, keeping one a few steps ahead and prepared energetically. 
Before meeting Kelly, I was someone who used to break down and cry every time I had to create a social media post or make a live video, Now I have a renewed confidence in expressing myself on social media whether on youtube, making an instagram or writing a blog. Since joining Kelly's programs, I feel at a renewed peace with being Seen and Heard again. 
A renewed relationship with Surrender. Previous to Kelly's classes, I'd always be trying to figure things or plan, often frantically. Since joining Kelly's classes, I've renewed my sense of peace and surrender with the Divine Feminine. I have a renewed sense of peace and trust with myself and the Divine. 
Ease and joy accepting my energetic Bigness as it is and no longer hide it under a bushel like I did before. Now, I walk into rooms with confidence and ease vs. anxiety. 
A renewal in my Femininity and a renewed connection with my Vixen energy, which has been beneficial for my relationship with myself, my feminine empowerment, and not to mention romantic life! 
These are just a few of the benefits of noticed joining Kelly's healing programs. 
To conclude, the beauty of Kelly's programs is that they continuously build onto the next, however there are benefits all around whether one decides to do one or multiple back to back programs with Kelly. 
I feel very blessed to have found and had the opportunity to work with Kelly and Lunam Love, and highly recommend to anyone looking for that "missing ingredient" to tip one over the edge into the next phase of amazing and magical phase of their life- this is it! 
And because, I found so much benefit to Kelly's work, I began recommending my own clients to her as well! 

Reviews from my prior program Rise of the Goddess!