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January 09, 2022
Welcome to the first full moon of 2022!
This first full moon will be taking place on January 17th, and will be in the sign of Cancer. While full moons are known to be very energetically and emotionally charged, you can expect this one to be even more so because it is within this water sign AND within a Venus retrograde AND the Mercury retrograde.
This energy may feel intimidating, but keep in mind that this energy will fluctuate during the three days that it is within the full moon phase. The other thing you may want to keep in mind is that by connecting to and willingly working with this energy, you can do some very powerful energy clearing, healing, creating, AND connecting. This is a powerful time to reconnect with your spirit team, especially if you have been feeling disconnected from them as a result of the recent holiday season and intense start to this year. This is also a powerful time to reconnect with your spiritual practice and your magickal/spiritual/witchy self.
Whether you do a ritual bath, shower, or smoke clearing, give yourself the space to honor your spiritual needs, either alone or with community, in person or virtually. Take this time to contemplate what it is that you want from this year, spiritually, financially, health wise, love wise. Allow yourself to align with the very brutally honest energies of mercury and venus to have an open conversation about what you need and what you want to do.
You deserve this space. You deserve this moment.
In addition to this potential reconnection to your spiritual workings, this full moon will also allow you to reconnect to the people in your life, on this physical plane. There is a tendency during times of struggle to isolate ourselves, but this energy allows us to open up and receive the positive and HEALTHY connections to the people in our life, while also finally distancing ourselves, placing boundaries, and severing connections to the toxic people in our life.
Lunam Love Product & Spell Recommendations: Moon Goddess Ritual Body Oil & Ritual Soap
Both of these Lunam Love products were made specifically for connecting to, honoring, and working with lunar energies. The signature scents, jasmine and cucumber correspond to the moon and the element of water. Because of their strong connection with the moon, they can be used during any full moon, and for a variety of purposes. Remember that the full moon is one of the most powerful sources of magick and power, so many people work with this energy to manifest love, fertility, money, health, protection, and psychic/spiritual development.
You can use the soap for a ritual shower before spellwork during the full moon phase or before a divination or healing session. As you use the soap, focus on your intention if you had a specific working in mind. Otherwise you can focus on embracing the lunar energy, and feeling it flow into you and filling you with its loving but powerful embrace.
The ritual body oil can also be used in a similar way on yourself. You can anoint yourself with the oil before ritual workings to help you open up and connect with your intention. You can also use this oil on candles to further enhance your intentions.
Last, but certainly not least, you can work with both of these products to connect to and honor lunar deities. This can be part of a devotional activity, meditation, or a ritual.
Let the beautiful and powerful energy of the full moon empower you during this beginning of 2022!